Château Cinderella

This château had been on my 'to do' list for so many years but for one reason or another every trip over to Belgium excluded a visit here in pursuit of other locations. A harsh lesson in putting a location off for a later time and missing out on how it once looked. By the time I actually visited in 2023 the château had become a wreck of its former self. All furniture and belongings had been removed and the graffiti artists had stepped inside to cover the walls in their spray paint. What was left was a sad version of a former grand château.
The location is ideal, the château lies in a 15 hectare parkland off the busy main road. A ghost of the past - it welcomes you with its backdrop of trees. All doors were wide open and most of the windows were missing so it was a simple task to go inside.
The photographs depict a château in a sorry state nearing the end of its life. Surely the only option for it now is demolition as most of the upper floors have collapsed or are about to and no one seems to care about it anyway. A quick Google search shows what it looked like only a few years ago with its majestic grandeur and charm. In 2023 it was a pitiful remnant of its past - unfortunately.
The only history of this once beautiful château is that in the 1990s a chef bought it and turned it in to an upmarket hotel for well to do clients. It has been alleged that the owner then fled after a series of scandals regarding explicit goings on at the hotel and wild parties. Hence, it was left abandoned with no further use and the deterioration commenced.
In February 2024 the château was sold again and is apparently under surveillance which is a bit late in the day considering the damage that has already been done to it.