Eglise D'Estrees,Deniecourt
(aka - The E.T. Church)

Visited in 2018, this was in fact a permission visit courtesy of the key holder who lives locally and is all to happy to allow photographers to go inside and photograph the interior as long as he holds your passport whilst you're inside. So technically it is not completely abandoned but seems to be unused judging by the unkempt interior.
The interior is quite unique and does look like something out of a sci-fi film, hence its nickname The E.T Church.
The interior is bursting with green and purple light as the glass sides shoot up, surrounded by bleak concrete. A few religious artefacts remain in situ such as the crucifix on the altar.
History is scarce. The original church on this site was demolished after the First World War and this glass version was constructed although there is nothing to be seen of when it actually opened.
A most unusual place of worship and gladly ticked off the list of locations to visit.