Kelton Convent, Liverpool 2014

Originally built around 1800 as a private residence called Kelton with extensive land/gardens and a lodge.
In approximately 1900, the Catholic Church purchased it as a home for Penitents and Children and it was part of the Sacred Heart Convents, also being known as the Kelton (House of Providence). In essence, the building was a home for unmarried mothers whereby the children were adopted off and the mothers were effectively in servitude; usually working in laundries.
Later, the two hall extensions and chapel were built and another large building was built on the land which may have been a laundry. The convent appears to have closed in the early 1980s.
The lodge is now fully restored and is a private residence, most of the land has been built on. There was a developer interested in the convent and planning permission was applied for but he went bust before work commenced.
Taken from an unknown publication from 2008:
Around £7.5m is to be spent to restore a derelict former convent in South Liverpool into luxury apartments
The former Kelton Convent, Woodlands Road, Aigburth, will be converted into 14 apartments and 26 new flats will also be built in two new wings in the grounds to help pay for the restoration of the existing grade II listed buildings. Liverpool councils planning committee heard yesterday that without the new flats the restoration would not be possible as the work will cost £7.5m but the apartments will sell for less than £5m. Five nearby residents wrote to the council to oppose the scheme for a variety of reasons which included protests about the increase in traffic in the area and loss of amenity. Architect Richard Cass told the committee that the building would be restored to its former glory.