Lungenheilstätte Grabowsee-
Lung Sanitorium, Oranienburg,Berlin
Down a winding road and through the forests of Oranienburg, Berlin we found ourselves at this vast complex of abandoned and heavily decayed buildings steeped in history dating back to 1855. Many hours were spent inside photographing all the different buildings - each with their own specific purpose when they were functioning over the decades. Shadows of their former selves, these buildings remain in place, battered by the elements and waiting their fate.Down a winding road and through the forests of Oranienburg, Berlin we found ourselves at this vast complex of abandoned and heavily decayed buildings steeped in history dating back to 1855. Many hours were spent inside photographing all the different buildings - each with their own specific purpose when they were functioning over the decades. Shadows of their former selves, these buildings remain in place, battered by the elements and waiting their fate.

Lungenheilstätte Grabowsee- 1929
Lungenheilstätte Grabowsee - History
In the 19th century, tuberculosis was taking hold over the population of Europe and accounted for 50% of deaths in Germany for people aged 15-40 years. People were powerless to prevent the disease as it rampaged through the heavily populated urban areas often affecting the poorer in society. Consequently, around the 1850s, the view that fresh air was a good antidote to the disease was prevalent in medical circles. This in turn ;lead to the opening of the first Lungenheilstätte (Lung Sanatorium) which opened in the village of Göbersdorf in lower Silesia in 1855. The Tuberculosis-Sanatorium in Görbersdorf TB Sanitorium became so successful that patients went there from all over Europe for treatment and the centre had room for approximately 1100 patients at one time.
Climatic treatment when combined with ultraviolet therapy were thought to be essential in the treatment of tuberculosis – and as such, sanatoriums began opening up in remote forest regions giving an idyllic picture postcard impression of life in these Sanitoriums. However, the reality was different as 70% of patients succumbed to the disease despite this treatment.
Lungenheilstätte Grabowsee – a medical experiment
In 1896, The Red Cross leased 20 hectares (for 50 years) of secluded woodland next to Grabowsee to build the Sanitorium with the specific intention of testing the viability of opening such a medical centre in the flat lowlands of Northern Germany as opposed to the alpine regions at higher altitude.
The General Secretary of the Red Cross, Pr. Dr. Pannwitz enthusiastically backed the Heilstätte Grabowsee project and helped to set up 27 Military hospital barracks by the spring of 1896. After the initial results proved successful, the Red Cross decided to open up the Heilstätte Grabowsee.
Due to the increasing popularity of such Sanitoriums, Health Insurance Companies began to build their own Sanitoriums to accomadate the growing demand. It was in the interests of businesses to send workers to Sanitoriums to aid a quicker recovery from illness and then be able to return to work much faster.
As patients were spending prolonged periods of time at the Heilstätte Grabowsee, the complex was continuously expanded and modernised - at its peak the area consisted of:
Thee two-story buildings with, with 59 and 54 beds
Single story barrack with 29 beds
Service building with a kitchen, mess hall, and offices
Machine house with an apartment for the machinist
Washhouse with a disinfection facility and apartments
Gas facility
Chief doctors building
Ten sleeping halls
Green house
Barn with apartments for the coachmen and gardeners.
The Heilstätte Grabowsee could comfortably accommodate 200 patients and cost 3 Mark per day which was later increased to 3,75 Mark. This cost was absorbed by the Health Insurance Companies in line with the Health Insurance Act introduced by Bismarck.

North Gate House. April 2022

Director's Mansion. April 2022

Admissions Ward. April 2022