Outstanding Locations
Locations visited and photographed which have not yet made it on to the website. Each location will be edited in due course and added to the site.
01. Coroner's Court - Manchester
02. The Apothecary Shop
03. The Lost Church [Be]
04. Bistro de Tilleke [Be]
05. Chateau Congo [Be]
06. Tobacco Warehouse - Liverpool
07. Filature Impressionnant [Be]
08. Taxidermy Farm [Be]
09. Chateau Bambi [Be]
10. Octel Bromine Works
11. Maison Child's Joy [Be]
12. Maison L'arbre [Be]
13. Monastero Chiesa Blu [It]
14. Red Cross Children's Hospital [It]
15. Saint Evelise College (Music School) [It]
16. Opaque House
17. Dougal's House
18. Ellen's House
19. Flamingo Cottage
20. Spiral House
21. Charles Turner & Co.Ltd
22. Wünsdorf Soviet Military HQ [Ger]
23. Saalow Nursing Home [Ger]
24. Teufelsburg NSA Spy Station [Ger]
25. VEB Brewery [Ger]
26. Coupe Foundry Ltd, Preston
27. St. Mary's Church
28. St. Peulan's Church
29. St. Mary's Arachnid Church
30. Prismo Ltd Maintenance Depot
31. Wellington Rooms, Liverpool
32. Highmead School, Wales
33. Apple House
34. Château Halloween [Bel]
35. Church of SS Peter and Paul
36. Bowaters Sack Factory
37. The Dog Walkers House
38. Chapel 1832
39. Chapel Pentre
40. Cardiff City Asylum Whitchurch
41. Calderstones Hospital
42. St Luke's Memorial Hall
43. Castletown Church of Ireland [Ire]
44. House of Penance [Ire]
45. Lunatic House [Ire]
46. The Old Church [Ire]
47. National School Doocastle [Ire]
48. Saint Peter's Church [Ire]
49. St. Brigid's Asylum [Ire]
50. The Pope's House [Ire]
51. The Priest's House [Ire]
52. Oliver Plunkett National School [Ire]
53. Harokopou Tower [Gr]
54. Buxton Corporation Waterworks
55. Château Cramoisi [Fr]
56. Château de Marcy [Fr]
57. Maison de l'Horreur [Fr]
58. Maison du Collectionneur [Fr]
59. Maison du Diable Rouge [Fr]
60. The Vintage Beauty Salon [Fr]