The Globe School

During our road trip of 2018 we headed to this former school in northern Italy as our first location of the day. However, it was quite bad timing as - unbeknown to us - there is a small church opposite the school which meant there were hoards of people gathered around chatting, with parked cars everywhere and even people milling around the grounds of the school as they waited to go inside the church. Just our luck to choose a Sunday to go there, but that's the luck of the draw when planning multiple locations over several days in a foreign country I guess.
After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the flock of church goers finally entered their place of worship allowing us a quick moment to dash round the back and find our way inside this former school. Getting inside wasn't an issue to the ground floor living quarters, however, the door to the cellar which leads up to the upper floors was not opening for love nor money. Maybe someone had secured it, but we don't force doors open so it was what it was which was a shame as the school classrooms upstairs are quite something to see. When I return to Italy it's always an option to try again for the school upstairs!
What was downstairs was still extremely photogenic and fascinating to see. These images show the rooms that were obviously used by the religious teachers when the school was open. History of the school is impossible to find so this little school in a tiny Italian village remains a mystery but obviously once upon a time served the local children until maybe a newer school was built elsewhere. The vintage items in the classrooms suggest it has been closed for quite some time and the televison appears to be circa 1960s so we are looking at about 50-60 years of being abandoned.
Having managed to get inside and photograph the iconic Manicomio di Racconigi Asylum - the day before we weren't too dispondant at not getting upstairs!