Woolton Hall, Liverpool. 2014

Woolton Hall was originally built in 1704 for the Molyneux family; Robert Adams carried out extensive reworking later in the 18th Century; the building still boasts a Robert Adams fireplace, and is a Grade 1 listed building. Other owners of the Hall were (from 1772) the Ashton family, then the Shand family and, from 1870s, the Gaskells. By 1901 the Gaskells were living elsewhere in Woolton and the hall was run as a hydro by the McGuffie family. It had many visitors, including the American Consul and James and Alexander Crawford, biscuit manufacturers! In 1911 it is listed as a ‘Hydropathic Hotel’ - proprietor Andrew McGuffie.
There was a Notre Dame convent at Woolton Hall by the end of World War 2. There, sisters ran a private preparatory school at the convent for many years, as well as the High School.
Woolton Hall amalgamated with Notre Dame Mount Pleasant in 1970. The new school - Notre Dame Woolton - opened in new buildings on the site of Woolton Hall.1977
The house fell into disrepair and was scheduled for demolition, until it was saved in 1980 by John Hibbert, a local resident, who bought Woolton Hall and spent £100,000 renovating it. I
In 2005, the owners planned to spend several million pounds by building 62 retirement flats in the grounds yet this never materialised and as of today the Hall remains vacant. slowly decaying and at the mercy of the elements, furthering its decline.
Inside is structurally sound in many places yet the windows being left open upstairs allows rain to drive in which seems at odds with any attempt to preserve this building. Decay has started in many rooms yet the splash of colour and majestic decor is still evident as one walks around this place. A strange curiosity can be found downstairs in one of the hallways where a traditional red telephone box stands yet isn't in operation.
The hall is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade I listed building.